What is the speed limit in the LRVPOA? 15 mph is the posted speed on association roads. Please respect the safety of others, and protect the condition of our roads. Have friends and visitors coming from out of town? Let them know ahead of time to prepare to relax and share the roads.
What roads does the LRVPOA maintain? The Association maintains approximately eleven miles of private, gravel roads. The Association's roads are Settlers Valley Way, Whispering Pines Way, Toms Knob Approach, Valley View Drive, Hunter Ridge Road, Spur Access Road, Walnut Hill Road, Moonshine Hollow, Meadow Lane, Wildlife Drive, Fox Squirrel Way, and Pleasant Valley Drive.
When does the LRVPOA meet? Property owners meet annually (usually on a Saturday in June) to conduct business and elect officers.
What do I do with my trash? If you do not have a contract for trash disposal with a local provider, all trash must go home with you. If you do have a contract for trash disposal with Envirco, you may place BAGGED trash in the shed located by the Association entrance at the intersection of Settlers Valley Way and Mill Gap Rd.
Do I need permission to cut down trees on my property to sell? Yes. Commercial logging is the cutting down and removal of trees on an owner's lot for which the owner is paid a sum of money, whether in fact or in kind. Any commercial logging in the association needs prior approval along with a road damage security deposit. Please read article XIII of the By-Laws.
Am I responsible for keeping the culvert under my driveway clean? Yes. All property owners are responsible for placing culverts under their driveway to ensure the free passage of runoff from Association roads. It is the property owner's responsibility to keep these culverts clear of debris. The more frequently they are cleaned, the easier they are to maintain.
What do I need to do if I am building or performing renovations on my lot? Contact the Board. The Board needs to review plans for the construction of new houses, the renovation of existing structures, and other improvements to your property for suitability and compliance with the Covenants. A sliding scale of construction fees is collected depending upon the potential impact to the Association's roads.
How do I find local news? Check out The Moorefield Examiner, the Lost River Valley Social Guild page on Facebook, or strike up a conversation with folks at the Arts & Crafts Co-Op, The Farmer's Market, The General Store, The Grill, Lost & Found Pizza & Provisions, H&T Farm Market, Misty Valley, Valley Vintage & Variety, and The Guesthouse.